Thursday, October 15, 2015

Gun Control: Common Core (grumble grumble stupid Common Core)

Okay, dang it Common Core. Get out, I'm not appreciative of you teaching kids that we need stricter gun control, and your stinkin' bias is just plain rotten and dirty. Ugh, it's really stupid, having Common Core be about gun control now. This is the Link of a story on Fox News about common core being about gun control, and stinkin' bias. Go read it and knock yourselves out, this Common Core thing just irritated me enough to that end.

1 comment:

  1. What is it with Americans and guns?! Why are the people so obsessed about them? They are only proving the stereotypes about us. But here's the thing-other countries have done just fine with gun control. Just because the citizen don't have a bunch of weapons doesn't mean we are vulnerable. I swear, all you Republicans want is to wage war on anything and anybody that doesn't agree with your thoughts. Conservatives would probably start a civil war with gays. I could go more into detail but I don't want this to be too long. There are many reasons why I don't really trust conservatives and Republicans.
